Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Great History!

Do you agree with me that a great history of thousands of years that is not preserved, not supported by a matching present and signs for a bright future is simply useless and talking about it is pathetic? To me, it is like a very old ugly dirty woman who is bragging about how she was Miss Universe years and years ago. Egyptians were the most intelligent people, they marvelled the world with their achievements and they taught humanity almost everything from buidling to agriculture to ethics and religions ... Yes, twe were great. Did you notice the past tense in the above phrase? Sad isn't it? And depressing, at least to me! I am personally against building the ".....est" things to claim your position in civilization, Dubai for example is always building the tallest, the biggest...etc and although I don't like Dubai and with all the horrors of Cairo and the hate and grudge I carry for it, I would still live there than spend a week in dubai, but you know what, every time I go there I get more and more impressed. yes they do not have history or past, they did not build pyramids or kept the bodies of their deads till now, but they are booming, the city is very clean and organised, life there is very easy, Dubai airpport is the best I have ever seen, even airports in Europe do not match it, it takes you literally 3 minutes to finish all the procedures, everywhere you are greeted, helped, welcomed and you feel you are like a very welcome and loved guest....well, I am proud of them. And let our 7000 years of civilization bring us clean air, drinkable water and sewage free fruits and vegetables, let it bring us safety while walking in the street and let us bring it the feeling of belonging that was lost long ago, let it bring us the basics of life that we cannot find in our own country although we find them given to everyone wherever we go.


Anonymous said...

Let's have a look on Dubai in - say- 2000 years..... "My name is Mohamed.Im living in Dubai which was formerly known as one of the most modern and prosperitive metropols all over the whole Middle East. I do not complain while living an average comfortabel life in the 182 th floor of an modern glas building.I just regret not to be able to see the sea nor the desert. Even the sun does not shine anymore in order it happend by an accident, as the politicians decided to create their own weather by using chemical bombs to let it rain. since then the chemical clouds has darkended the Dubai sky. In the old stories and books i read that my town has been a paradise for shopping, accomodation etc. in the years around 2000 to 2200. Since the oil fields has been emtyed the country went down rapidly. Not even the foreigners are visiting Dubai anymore. They told me that the upcoming paradise, the hot spot to travel to should be Egypt in order since the last 100 years the Egyptians has developped very fast in every issue....
Have a great day! Helmut

Anonymous said...

You are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

maybe...this has not to be an disadvantage in every ones german enough to be realistic...everything to it's time

Meto said...

Dear Helmut,

No you are not pathetic, you are more of an optimistic and I'm sure that anyone living here, even if he hates this country would still hope it will be better.

Dear Anonymous,

Please choose better words in commenting on my blog, this is not a place for judging people or calling them names.


Emily Richardson said...

Excellent article, Mohamed. I love Egypt, but what you have said is all true... and who is to blame? That is the question.

God's Salvation said...

I've got maybe no right to speak about Egypt, since I have been here once, as I was about 19 and that was a short tour around there, despite of the apparent conflicts between us (I don't need to explain anymore) but I am not thet mean European not knowing if the scene of "Die Entführung aus dem Serail " about Egypt or Turkey or even India is! So it won't stop me to say it in generel and then I'll come closer to the point. Having a good past doesn't lead necessarily into a good future. It IS proved that old civilizations has been ruined after aq long and new generations didn't show enough responsibility to what they have had. New religions, and beliefs (if they were lucky enough)has rushed into the older ones and made a bitter salad! Most of the time this salad is edible only for the middle class of the society, the botth upper- and lower classes will get wrecked easily. To be closer to the point of Egypt the dear land of forgotten civilizatns, the society suffered lots of losses during the history, even till now. And I have no personal problems with anything so please don't take me wrong. But it looks like a destiny to the ancient glorious folks to get defeated by savages. Who knows, maybe it's neded for another beginning. SExcuses for any probable inconveniences in my comment but I believe there is kinda curse, not to complete the circle of sublimity, at least with the available means.