Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I was your tulip

I was the stupid tulip, planted in your desert and expecting to survive!


Anonymous said...

Don't ever regret being a tulip, don't regret being a good person in a bad world. God will reard you for being good and will punish anyone who wronged you. People like you are not happy in our life, it's your destiny to suffer from other people but please don't lose the purity of your heart, you have the purest heart ya mito please don't lose it...

Anonymous said...

The desert will remain a desert

Noble said...

Tulip in the desert is like Peace on Earth, might exist in few places and under certain condtions the common thing is they both do not last for a long time.

Anonymous said...

And everyone who sees the tulip in the desert will wonder why this beautiful creature is there in this ugly empty cruel desert. One day someone will come and will take the dried tulip and plant it in a garden till it grows again. Wait for your reward beautiful tulip

Anonymous said...

I think the view of a Tulip in the desert will glow deeper emotions in the heart of those who will watch it , The Value of water appear in the age of drought,the value of the light appear in a gloomy world and the value of a person like YOU who carries all theses peace & love in his heart will shine among the dull we are living .. Stay as u are , a Tulip in the desert

Anonymous said...

may b u cant feel the beauty in this desert, may b u and the other tulips r the things that make us all accept living in such a desert.
but it's hard i know, if the desert is someone close to ur heart.
just try to c the drops of water falling in the desert to b able to survive.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered where the name of your blog came from.......