Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What I did to you and what you did to me

I was building you only to discover that I was starting my downfall. I was taking you upstairs to give you the chance to see the world from a higher place, you threw me to see how a person falls from a height. I was planting you in me and when you grew in my soil you went for another leaving me a deep groove. I was helping you to forget your past and when you did you hated the only person who can remind you of this past. I was trying to make you find yourself and when you found it you lost me.


Anonymous said...

what happened my dear mito? what is happening to you?

Anonymous said...

Fatma Eid.. the singer got a nice song that matches, if written in English it will be:

I went up to check my bird on the roof,
I found it drinking from someone's goof.
I scream load calling it "come back",
It glimsed me replying "your time is over, you the one who shoul dgo back"

This means that people are stations, try choose a nice stop,
Don't you ever think you can clean dirty ones. Because even if you did, they will always stay dirty from inside.

Anonymous said...

...... sadly beautiful!