Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A definition for Love!

I don't think we can define love by words, a spoken language will never be able to describe or give an exact definition for love, love is feelings and feelings are made to be felt not described or defined by words. Languages might be able to bring us close to the meaning but will never be able to define love.


Anonymous said...

very true, and coming from you, I know very well what you mean ;)

Anonymous said...

do u think this is because " Love " has a superfine attribute ? .. i think " love " is sharring many other values which are having aversion towards any definition .. can we define " Humanity " .. " Evil " .. "good " .. "peace" ?

Anonymous said...

LOVE , its a four letters word
some may think its a very short word and can be descibed easily
they wont be able to describe it
those who didnt experience love can describe the word in thousands words, and they may think this is love, but they are completely wrong

and those who really experienced love and i mean true love , they really know exactly what love means
and they know that love cant and wont be described, its something you feel , many complicated feelings , passions , lots of things, mutual feelings ,
Love is LOVE thats the only words that can describe love .

Unknown said...

The way I accidentally discovered the words you've all written here are a love inspired result of my own spiritual journey. I gave up on trying to describe love and can now immerse myself in feeling it without the drawback close examination and/or judgment of it brings about. Universal synchronicity reveals itself to me once more. How amazing it is to open one's mind, heart and soul to enlightenment. What a delight it is to be so richly fulfilled with a mere glimpse of such a tiny part of a huge and powerful force. I can't understand it, but I allow myself to wallow in its beneficial flow as it washes around and through me. It is me and you and all the rest, too.