Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Moment!

He did not say a word… without any introductions he took her in his arms… he hugged her, with his strong arms wrapped around her tiny body. He was big, strong, warm… her head rested on his chest and she inhaled his manly smell. She could hardly grasp her breath, she could not believe that she was that close to him, snuggled in his arms like a baby who has exhausted itself all day and all it needed was a deep sleep in its mother's loving arms. She closed her eyes and wanted time to stop. She was suddenly secluded from the whole world, she felt nothing from what was happening around her, the bright lights and the loud noises disappeared. That was exactly what she wanted, no it was more, more than she had ever thought she could get, a moment in his arms. From A Moment, my new story.... Contact me for details


Anonymous said...

very sensitive and full of emotions as usual

Anonymous said...

I am curious to know who is the story hero "he" or "she"?

it is simply amazing that during this small paragraph , you jumped from he to she while it simply looked normal.