Thursday, February 19, 2009

One Hundred things that make me Happy!

I knew that I like counting things, uselessly most of the time... After counting one hundred things about me, here are another hundred, this time they are things that make me happy... 1- A hug from my Mother 2- A journey by train in Europe 3- Adding to someone's knowledge 4- An outing with my work colleagues 5- An outing with school colleagues 6- Being in Germany 7- Being in Paris 8- Being in the vicinity of Al kaaba 9- Blueberry jam 10- Buying a gift for someone I love 11- Buying books 12- Candles 13- Chocolate 14- Classical Ballet 15- Climbing green or snow covered mountains 16- Cooking 17- Cutting birthday cakes 18- Deep uninterrupted sleep 19- Driving my car very late at night 20- Earl Grey tea 21- Finding something I thought it was lost 22- Flowers 23- Fountains 24- Freshly squeezed sour Orange juice 25- Gardens 26- Getting feedback on anything I wrote 27- Getting over a loss 28- Getting presents 29- Giving medical advice 30- Giving Salma a hug 31- Giving things to needy people 32- Going out with Salma 33- Going to Switzerland 34- Going to the opera 35- Greenery 36- Hearing the birds singing 37- Hearing the wind blowing 38- Ice cream 39- Listening to a piece of music I like 40- Listening to Catholic prayers 41- Listening to Dalida, whatever she says 42- Listening to Samira Said, whatever she says 43- Lying in my bed listening to music 44- Making someone happy 45- Making someone laugh 46- Museums 47- Organizing my room 48- Pain Perdue from Casper and Gambini's 49- Painting 50- Passing an exam with high grade 51- Pasta from Macaroni Grill 52- Pizza Alfredo with Anchovies from Maison Thomas 53- Plants 54- Playing with my nephews Aly and Hussein 55- Praying alone in my room 56- Rain 57- Reading a book I like 58- Reading certain parts from the holly Koran 59- Receiving a call from a friend asking about me when it's obvious that I'm not ok 60- Riding bicycle 61- Sailing in the Nile at sunset 62- Seeing a baby sleeping peacefully 63- Seeing a loving couple, humans or animals 64- Seeing a mother playing with her baby 65- Seeing a place I like in a movie 66- Seeing Samira Said on TV 67- Shisha Peach in Grand Café Maadi 68- Shopping for clothes 69- Snow 70- Solving a riddle 71- Startling someone concentrating 72- Staying in bed in weekends 73- Sweet corn 74- Taking a cold shower after a hot day 75- Taking a long warm scented bath 76- Taking photos 77- Talking to a close friend 78- Talking to Salma and listening to her talking about her little world 79- Thunder and lightning 80- Travelling to any place except the gulf 81- Tulips, anywhere, anytime, any format 82- Twilight 83- Visiting a friend and find something I brought him/her in his/her place 84- Visiting a gothic Cathedral 85- Waking up in the morning to find the weather is cloudy and there will be no sun 86- Walking by the sea 87- Walking in the streets of Europe 88- Watching a movie I like 89- Watching sunset 90- Watching the full moon 91- Wearing a coat on a cold winter day 92- Wearing a scarf in a windy day and having it swinging with the air 93- When a song or piece of music I like comes unexpectedly on the Radio 94- When a wish I had comes true 95- When someone asks me about the direction, and I know the right answer 96- When someone trusts me with his/her secrets 97- When something I expected happens 98- When the one I love sleeps in my arms and I'm fully alert watching 99- Winter 100- Writing a story Did I miss something???

Monday, February 16, 2009

Post Number 100/ One Hundred Things about Me!

So the posts are becoming one hundred! Being fond of counting things (have you seen the movie "stranger than fiction"? something very similar)and taking such round figures as stages, I thought of this... Here are 100 things about me, you might already know most of them 1- I'm an Egyptian man 2- My real name is Mohamed 3- I have few nicknames, mainly: "Meto, Hamada, Moody" 4- I'm 30 5- My Birth date is January 7th 1979 6- I'm a Capricorn of Leo ascendant 7- I hate football 8- I love reading 9- I have 500+ books at home 10- I love classical music 11- I hate power 12- I hate politics 13- I'm not happy living in Egypt 14- I wish I can live in Europe (Paris, Munich, Brussels or Seville) 15- I love travelling 16- I have visited UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Algeria, Malaysia, KSA, Bahrain, Emirates. 17- I have 4 sisters 18- I have 2 nieces and 4 nephews 19- I have 3 brothers in law 20- I love blue and purple 21- I don't like red 22- I love green mountains 23- The Alps are my favorite 24- I love snow 25- I love winter 26- I hate summer 27- I don't like desert 28- I am allergic to sun 29- I have migraine 30- I studied Pharmacy 31- I speak Arabic, English, French and German 32- French is my favorite 33- I love i-pod 34- I'm anti American 35- I hate business 36- I love painting 37- I love candles 38- I love chocolate 39- Lindt is my favorite 40- I love flowers 41- Tulips are my favorite 42- I write stories in Arabic and English 43- I blush, very easily 44- I don't feel comfortable talking about sex 45- I believe in God, and I love him 46- I love Jesus 47- I celebrate Christmas 48- I love herbs 49- I'm superstitious 50- I believe in signs 51- I love children, girls specifically 52- I'm pessimistic 53- I'm bipolar 54- I take vitamin B tablets regularly 55- I drive 56- I hate driving 57- I have Hyundai Matrix, bleu-ciel 58- I care about my books than my car 59- My dream car is BMW- X3 60- I'm extremely organized 61- I never forget a face I saw 62- I love Virginia Woolf 63- I don't like to be the centre of attention 64- I hate talking in public 65- I love writing reports 66- My biggest dream is a small wooden hut over the Alps in Switzerland 67- My sister Salma is the most precious things in my life 68- I have a Nokia N-95 69- I have a Spanish guitar, a real one 70- I love blueberries 71- I have a lot of female friends 72- I love myself 73- I'm sociophobic 74- I don't make friends easily 75- I hate jokes, and those who say them 76- I hate compliments 77- I hate the underground, especially in Cairo 78- I'm claustrophobic 79- I keep grudges 80- I always carry my keys, mobile and wallet in my hands 81- I'm single 82- I was in love before 83- I love Samira Said and Dalida 84- I love Maison Thomas, the Pizzeria 85- I don't like crepe 86- I like sea food 87- I cook, whatever you think of 88- I love cleaning 89- I used to play with dolls when I was a kid 90- I love to be alone most of the time 91- I overreact, most of the time 92- I don't care what people I don't know think of me 93- I don't mind being rude when rudeness is required, even when it is not 94- I do not leave a good first impression 95- I hate when people I don't know or don't like kiss me 96- I hope I will die as soon as possible 97- I love following rules, and setting them 98- I love anything that is "ancient" and I don't like most of the things that are 'modern" 99- I hate Starbucks 100- I don't regret anything, the things I did before and proved to be wrong, were done because they seemed right when they were done. So how many of these you didn't know before?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

C'est fini...C'est fini la comedie!

It's over…The comedy is over! It all started as a very successful play In a theatre in the suburbs with blue décor There was no one but the two of us! We have loved each other for so long To the point of forgetting time The time that has always changed happiness into pain And it has won now, it is happy when it sees us, Each one in his own way, like strangers Having nothing in common except the daily words The décor did not change but the actors have no roles to play It is better to draw the curtains It's over… The comedy is over We never thought we will part Eternity was guaranteed We were alone in the world We had a long way to go Where nothing was forbidden… It's over...The comedy is over It has won now, it is happy when it sees us, Each one in his own way, like strangers Having nothing in common except the daily words The décor did not change but the actors have no roles to play It is better to draw the curtains It's over… The comedy is over It all started as a very successful play In a theatre in the suburbs with blue décor There was no one but the two of us! It's over…The comedy is over! - A song by Dalida-

Sunday, February 08, 2009

نزيف الحجر

هل من الممكن أن يقرا الإنسان كتابا واحدا يجعله يعيد النظر في شيء كان متأكدا غاية التأكد من كرهه الشديد له؟ كنت من أشد أعداء الصحراء، فحين أنطق بكلمة "صحراء" لا أجد في ذهني إلا خيالات عن الموت.. الفناء.. التيه.. العطش.. الشمس الحارقة والرمال الخانقة. وحتى حين ذهبت إلى سيوه منذ عامين جذبني جمال الواحة الكامنة كسر الحياة الأبدي في قلب الصحراء الميتة. جذبتني أشجار النخيل و تمايلها الرشيق على أنغام الرياح الصامتة، و أخذتني تلك البحيرات العذبة الصافية تتحدى قسوة الطبيعة و تنشر الحياة حولها. أما الصحراء بذاتها فلم تنل مني أي حظ من الإعجاب ولا شيء من الانبهار، حتى وقعت تحت يدي رواية "نزيف الحجر" للكاتب الليبي "إبراهيم الكوني"، والتي تدور أحداثها بالكامل في الصحراء وبالتحديد في منطقة "تسيلي" الواقعة على الحدود بين ليبيا والجزائر في أقصى الجنوب، والشهيرة بكهوفها المهولة والتي تحوي رسوما ونقوشا ترجع لما قبل التاريخ. في أسلوب أشبه بحكايات الأساطير يأخذنا" إبراهيم الكوني" في رحلة شديدة الخصوصية إلي عالم "أسوف" ذلك الشيخ المتوحد النائي بنفسه عن عالم البشر، فهو يحيى وحيدا في الصحراء، لا يأكل اللحم ولا يعاشر النساء عملا بنصيحة والده حين قال: إذا جاورت الأشرار لحقك الشر، الإنسان الذي يفضل الخير لا بد أن يهرب من الناس حتى لا يلحقه الأذى وتتسع دائرة شخوص الرواية لتشمل الحيوانات، فنعرف أن "الودَان" ليس كسائر الحيوانات يقول أبوه وكذلك أمه أن روح الودَان تجذب، تضلل،تسلب العقل،وتجرد من الإرادة،فيجد الصياد نفسه مسلوبا،منساقا،مسكونا،يتقافز على أربع ويطارده على الصخور الصماء الملساء القاسية وحين يصر أسوف أن يعرف لماذا يرفض أبوه صيد الودَان نعرف أن هناك سر أسطوري يكمن بداخل هذا الكائن المسحور: انتظر حتى هل القمر وحكى له كيف أن الودَان هو روح الجبال. كانت الصحراء الجبلية في قديم الزمان في حرب أبدية مع الصحراء الرملية. وكانت آلهة السماء تنزل إلى الأرض مع الأمطار فتفصل بين الرفيقين وتهدئ من جذوة العداوة بينهما. وما أن تغادر الآلهة ساحة المعركة و تتوقف الأمطار عن الهطول حتى تشتعل الحرب بين العدوين الخالدين. وفي يوم غضبت الآلهة في سماواتها العليا وأنزلت العقاب على المتحاربين. جمدت الجبال في "مساك صطفت" وأوقفت تقدم الرمل العنيد في "مساك ملَت". فتحايل الرمال ودخل في روح الغزلان و تحايلت الجبال من جهتها ودخلت في الودَان. ومنذ ذلك اليوم أصبح الودَان مسكونا بروح الجبال. ولكن كف الودَان والغزال عن القتال حين أرسل الله لهما عدوا آخر وهو الإنسان. والودَان لا يهرب حين يقابل صائدا من بني البشر، بل يقاوم بقوة خارقة تماثل روح الجبال الساكنة فيه، فيجتذب الصائد المحموم الى الهاوية. وحين يشارف الصياد على الموت لن ينقذه الا الودَان.. ذات الودَان الذي حاول أن يصيده. فيكون ذلك بمثابة عهد بين الودَان والإنسان.. نذر من يخونه ستعاقبه روح الجبال. أما الغزال فله قصة ترويها غزالة عجوز شهدت موت أمها لإنقاذ طفل من بني البشر ولكني أتركها لكم لتقرءوها في سطور الرواية ولتعرفوا قصة "قابيل ادم" ذلك الذي لا يشبع من اللحم ففي فمه دودة تجعله يأكل نفسه إذا لم يجد لحما يأكله. عليَ الآن أن اعترف أن هذا العمل الذي تمتزج فيه الأسطورة بالواقع ويغلف الخيال وجو الصحراء المهيب كلماته بغلالة ساحرة، جعلني أعيد النظر في الصحراء أملا في أن أرى فيها ما رآه" إبراهيم الكوني" و سطره في هذه الرواية المبدعة.

Palm Trees

Like palm trees Bending gracefully in the evening breeze Your fingers… I hold them…I suddenly feel at ease With a gentle touch I see the wonders of a thousand seas My heart…they open it…they have all the keys I feel them, I see what no human sees Magical they are…they can make the fire freeze Wasn't it with his fingers that Jesus cured disease?

Monday, February 02, 2009

I'm available online!

Well I mean my book "Al Rehla" is, I just discovered that my book is available for purchase online in a very interesting website that we can call the Amazon of the Middle East!! Check it out