Monday, September 04, 2006

The Persian Experience/Going Nuts!!!

My last day in Tehran ended with a wonderful visit to Tawado3 Shop (They pronounce it Tavazo) which is a very big chain in Iran famous for selling NUTS! I found there things that I have never seen in my life, in addition to the very famous Iranian Pistachio (They call it Pesteh) and Cashew (They call it Badoom Hindi) you can also find several types of Hazelnut and Almonds. Uptill now everything is ok, till you go to the partition for Raisins (They call it Keshmesh) and you find tens of different kinds with various shapes, colours, sizes and tastes. Another partition for dried fruits (Pine apple, Apple, Strawberry, Kiwi, Melon, Watermelon, Oranges, Apricot, Plum, Dates, Cherry) and vegetables (Tomato, Egg plant, pepper). The shop also sells different kinds of flavored and unflavored Iranian tea, which is very unique, something between black and green tea and they don't add sugar to it but prefer to eat sugar cubes while drinking. Another partition displayed hundreds of mixtured of nuts with sweet and colored candy and chocolate. I was amazed with all these products in addition to the Iranian traditional sweets and beautifuly decorated desserts. Another thing that I found in this shop was Iranian Caviar, which is considered the best in the world and of course very expensive (50 g cost 238 US Dollars from the best type and another type cost 126 US Dollars) That was my last day in Tehran and I ended it with more shopping and more love to this city and its people. On my way to the hotel, I had to but another suitcase to take all these things with me. My Trip to Iran was something that i will never forget and I hope I succeeded in giving you just a glimpse of how great Tehran is and how wonderful the Iranian people are.

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